Friday, February 29, 2008




只能回想﹐懷念。。。 不能重溫。。。

過了﹐就過了。 到那時也只能畫下句號﹐告一段落。





Eleanor… ♥

Thursday, February 28, 2008


大家好!!這個POST是我在一陣子前寫的... 突然記得沒有POST在這。。。


我,終於拿到 「Head's Commendation」啦!!
Head's Commendation, 是在成績表上拿到 90%。
我校是以 IB 系統 (也稱 International Baccalaureate) 算分的。

在這學期的成績表上,有 9個科目,每科有 7 - 1 的評分,以 7 為最好。
90% 就是要在 63分內得 57分或以上…
我拿到四個 7,五個 6。

這是我第一次得到「Head's Commendation」,並且還沒有 5 呢!!
一直,我只差Head's Commendation一分而以,一分!!!!
結果,差那一分,只能拿 Year Commendation (80%)... 可是,這次,我成功了!! YEAH!!"

這就是我在 23-02-2008 寫的。。。

好了! 來寫今天的!

等一等。。。 我差點忘記了本來想寫的事。。。



老師跟我們計算﹐如果我們活到八十歲﹐命中大約有 二萬九千兩百多日子。。。


眨眼間﹐我已經 13 歲半了。。。

平時吵到像街市的A1.1 班﹐



可是﹐一直都很忙﹐沒有時間寫完﹐些寫到一半就"SAVE" 然後睡覺覺。





Wednesday, February 27, 2008



That, people, was my expression today when i looked at my newest 課文 (for chinese)
You know my last post? How i erm, totally strayed away from what i was saying and began sighing over how time passes so quickly, how it slips from our grasps?

Well, today, we started a new 課, and it was called《匆匆》(ok i'll start typing in Chinese now... since its a chinese thingy...)

令我 "O.o" 的是﹐作者所感嘆的事實在太像我昨天的POST了﹐有一點恐怖。。。
我昨天才剛感嘆 :時間不能有我們掌控﹐慢慢地流逝﹐今天回到學校﹐開新課﹐課文正在感嘆時間的流逝。。。 太巧了吧?



Tuesday, February 26, 2008



One thing i want to say.


Sigh... why do the teachers have to give us so much homework?
Simply piling stress upon our shoulders...
What good will it do?

I just don't get them... don't they understand that the OTHER teachers give homework as well?
That we also need time to do homework from OTHER subjects?

So much homework... and yet, so little time...
Time, is truly of the essence.

We cannot control time...

We have so little of it... every moment is precious...

Who knows when the day will come when our eyes would close forever, when we will not be able to appreciate the world around us... Who knows when our precious time would run out?

If only... we truly knew how to appreciate the moments... yet, if you were truly concious of how much time you have, how would you spend it?

Maybe it would be better if we weren't concious of how precious time was... we would probably enjoy it better... Better have less stress... we wouldn't truly be enjoying our time if the fact that it would run out bugging in our minds...

Humans... they are blind to the most obvious... But yet, they do it willingly...
Maybe we would look at the world at a different angle, if we became more, more... i don't know... if we truly thought about the things that mean much to us?

We take things so willingly... and give away so reluctantly...
Human nature... sigh...

"Willing suspension of disbelief". I'm sure we know that time is precious, but we underestimate its power.
We willingly forget about the importance of time...

Sigh... does it give us happiness?
I think so, but that is my opinion. Happiness... what is it? Simply a feeling we get? Or is it much more?

I... am tired, truly tired... Tired of all the homework, and everything else around me.
Yet, i am thankful for my family, to have them with me, and not be alone...

Loneliness... Separation... It is something else that humans fear. Total separation from everthing they know, everything around them... to be truly alone... the thought of it is simply unbearable, at least to me.

I am also thankful for my friends, who are my companions. I hope we can stay friends forever.

Now i have to run off to do my homework...

Cya! ♥Eleanor♥

Sunday, February 24, 2008


What to write?

Well, since I've named this post 'decisions', I'll talk about decisions!
I've decided to use this blog's posts as a kinda diary... i may drop in to say stuff, thoughts that i lack voice to say... as always, it is easier to express myself on writing...

Which language should i use? But that depends on who reads this blog... if anybody does...
Just noting that this blog was mainly meant for selfish purposes... simply a place to express thoughts... Sorry if i offend anyone, or if anyone dislikes what i write/do on this blog...
I supposed i just need some space to fret over things, things that do not matter... this is my personality... i just need to do something that will, say, let things out... even when i may very well be talking to myself...

Chinese-- easier to say sentimental stuff... its just that, and also its quite nice to express stuff in Chinese... BUT, the problem is that i take ages to type it =.=. My current Chinese typing system is not very, er, efficient, since its not like, QWERTY (keyboard) but this thingy where you have options; kinda like the mobile phone typa thing... using pinyin, of course...

English-- the more temping choice... of course it is easier and less time consuming, but the effect just isn't what i want... when i write in english, i always feel that its just too... simple. Too outright. Like, my thoughts are expressed too directly. That is not always a bad thing, i know, but when you pour out your soul, there are thoughts that you wouldn't want people to understand just so directly...

I rarely speak my thoughts; it just doesn't feel right...
Sometimes, one language simply can't express my feelings... like, there are words that i can only express in Chinese, or English... When i use Chinese, the feeling is always that it is so elegantly crafted, so beautiful... but of course, i type english much faster, thanks to the fact that it simply consists of 26 characters on the keyboard...

What am i doing? << asking my self all of a sudden...
I am just blabbering my thoughts out, i suppose... i'm just resting my mind, to try not to think about all the stressing homework...
I don't suppose anyone would read this... =.= its so long and boring, so repetitive... but at least i know I feel better after blabbering...
But, this is nice. I know that all these posts will be saved, and in time i will look back upon it, and see my foolishness... and i will laugh, and treasure this memory...

Now that i mentioned that, i remember something i had decided upon...
I wish to seek back my childhood memories... memories that i treasure now, yet then, i did not even perceive of its valuable existence...

I am, tired...
I want to return to that time, when i was simply a innocent little girl... to play amongst my friends, without burden... Now, i look back, and my heart turns. How i wish those days would last forever... But i know, i will never be able to experience that same, pure joy again... my heart is weighed down with too many burdens, too many complex thoughts...
Time... I wish you were at my command...
I wish i could just go back and see the time when i was a primary school with my friends... i simply want to relive that part of my life...

Yet... i may never again see some of those old friends... I hope i can, though...
Some of these people have already moved on; perhaps they have moved to somewhere else, or have given up their email addresses, so that i can no longer reach them...
Perhaps, one day, fate will bring us together again...
So that we can all go together, and go back to SIS, to simply look at the children there, that we once were, laughing so purely, so happily...
Playing catch. In that simple activity, so many memories can be gathered...

Oh... where have i gone now? See what happens when i simply pour out? I myself is washed away, and my thoughts simply pour out from my fingertips, literally, onto my keyboard.
I, cease to exist. I become my memories, gathered thoughts that i have held together for many years, thoughts that may have been generated when i was looking at pictures, or simply as i go home from school...

Human minds, eh? Too many things happen in there, to be expressed...

I should stop soon... I still have a LOT of homework waiting for me to do...
Maybe i'll let open the door to my soul another time.



Hi everybody!!!!
I don't know why i created this blog... but i know its for fun and for my friendz!